Dry needling can be a very effective addition to your physiotherapy treatment and your physiotherapist may recommend the use of dry needling techniques, especially if this may assist you to progress faster in your physiotherapy management. Dry needling is used for a number of different reasons depending upon your presentation and is a very effective way to provide pain relief, relaxation of chronically overactive muscles, reduce inflammation, promote healthy blood flow and elicit a healing response.

There is a substantial body of evidence-based research supporting the use of dry needling in physiotherapy to assist in the treatment of acute and chronic lower back pain, chronic neck pain, tension type and migraine headaches, pelvic girdle pain, knee osteoarthritis, lateral elbow pain and shoulder conditions (www.physiotherapy.asn.au – Acupuncture and Dry Needling Group).

At Amity Physiotherapy & Clinical Pilates, dry needling is used to assist and enhance muscle retraining, particularly where there are inappropriate nervous stimuli – often as is present in the case of chronic pain or injury. Dry needling is used in conjunction with postural re-education and movement based rehabilitation to ensure you optimal results!


If you would like to know more about how dry needling can be incorporated into your physiotherapy or clinical pilates management contact us now.